LF soon to sponsor

So I'm doing it. I'm finally breaking down. I'm gonna sponsor some bands.

I've had a good number of requests for sponsorship in the past, but at the time I wasn't ready to go that route, and frankly, wasn't too keen on just handing out free swag left and right to anyone with tracks on a MySpace page. But this year I'm trying lots of new things, and this is one of them.

I'm going to make a formal little advertisement for this and post it up on a Flickr, Myspace, and a forum or two, but if you'd like to shoot me an email now, you're welcome.

In a nutshell, I'm looking for musicians who...

1. Are proud to wear my stuff! It's what sponsorship is all about. Wear it proud when you play!

2. Will put an ad on their myspace and/or website! I'll keep you decked out in the latest LF gear so long as you give me a shout out where it counts! I'm also asking for a spot in your top friends.

3. Play unique music! LF is a unique brand with a unique look, so it only makes sense to pair up with musical artists in that same vein! If you want to know what I'm into specifically, you can check my user info here. (Big on indie rock & folk, and am currently enjoying the 80's revival)

I'm sure I'll think of more, but this is from the top of my head.

PS - This collab I'm working on with TheoryOne is coming out awesome. Really stoked!

posted by Mr. Linty @ 12:33 AM,


At 3:55 PM, Blogger daveterry said...

Dude, the 80s?

That's so like your parent's generation.



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