Cool Day

So today I had intended to hang out with some friends in Little 5 Points. The plan was to tour around a bit, grab tickets to see Andrew Bird, and finish the night with dinner at this Mediterranean place next door. I was looking forward to it all week! Well, last minute everyone kind of flaked out, but I decided to go anyways (besides, they still needed someone to buy the tickets). Anyways, it turned out being a fun time still yet.

I decided to take Marta there, which is the closest thing Atlanta offers to efficient public transportation. I like to say that I use Marta for economical reasons, or that I'd rather not put the extra emissions into the air, but I think the real reason is that it's a taste of city life, which I've always been enamored with. It took about an hour.

When I got off it was a bit of a walk to the main strip of Little 5, aka Euclid Ave., but the rain had just stopped so the air felt really clean and the temperature was perfect. My first target was Criminal Records. It's such an awesome collection of stuff. Vinyl toys, comic books, old movies, art & music magazines, and MUSIC. I don't go too often, so I was pretty stoked to see what new stuff they had in stock. Turns out they'd moved out, and a sign on the window announced that a skate shop was coming soon instead. I kind of freaked out for a second until some guy on the sidewalk explained that they moved down the street.

Whew. Anyways, when I finally found it I was happy to see that they've moved into a much bigger place, and had a lot more available. I was there for over 3 hours just browsing around. I sampled a bunch of their recommended albums and flipped through some really awesome comics and art books that I'd never seen before (kind of goes without saying, actually) Anyhow I ended up grabbing the latest issue of Juxtapoz and a couple of albums - Ladyhawke and Ben Taylor. Also, I recognized the dude working behind the counter as being the DJ for the last two shows I did here in Georgia in Madison and Atlanta. Cool beans.

From there I cruised over to Variety Playhouse and picked up the tickets. By this time the rain was just about starting to pick up again, so I hopped back on the train and headed back up to Marietta. There's a really cool interview in the magazine I got with WK Interact. He's a French artist who moved to NYC with $3k, an inability to speak English, and a love for art. He lived off of cheap noodles in a 8-sq foot apartment and just kept painting and drawing like crazy. Now he's in galleries and is a well-known street artist. So inspiring!

So yeah. It was a good day.

posted by Mr. Linty @ 10:55 PM,


At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric, really cool to hear about your city travels. I know exactly what you mean about getting a taste of city life; it's something I'm dying for having lived in a rural area all of my life.

Little Five Points seems like a really interesting place; again, the kind of experience I'm really looking forward to when I leave college.

Inspiring stuff, as usual.

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Mr. Linty said...

Yeah, it was cool to do it solo too. I mean, I love hanging with friends, but it's a little different with just you and the city. Very cool.

At 3:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How was the concert? Pity I missed it.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Mr. Linty said...

Actually the concert is Feb 4th. I just got tickets early from the box office. Good to hear from ya. ;)

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was a sizable group around the Highlands that night, I wish you would've called!

At 12:16 PM, Blogger Mr. Linty said...

Almost did, too! Oh wells.


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