March tee!
Howdy! It's midnight of March 1st, which means I'm on a plane in just a few hours for China, but more importantly for you, that there's a new tee in the shop!
It's called The Petrol Kid, and it's based off a character I drew a while back. If you want to get the full story, as usual, it's in poem form and comes on a collector's card with the tee.
This one is my first collab release of a series I'm doing this year. The other artist was South Africa based Theory One. I think it came out grrrreat. To see more on the collab process, check this out.
Also, I'm having a Spring Cleaning sale. Check the store for specifics on what's been discounted...
I'm beat. Going to bed now. See ya in 8,000 miles!
posted by Mr. Linty @ 12:06 AM,
- At 12:57 AM, Nick Piekarz said...
I Love The Design! Just Picked Up Mine!
- At 12:59 AM, Mr. Linty said...
Awesome dude! By the way, your replacement belt went out on Thursday!