February's Frequent Listens
So I finally got Department of Eagles' new album "In Ear Park", and it's pretty great. I'm glad to finally hear the full version of "No One Does It Like You Do", which is a track I've loved ever since I saw it performed acoustically on one of Blogotheque's take-away shows last year. (See video below)
It's funny, to watch it again, after all these months, and see them playing in New York's Chinatown. It all seems very appropriate for where I'm going. Only 10 days left. Crazy!
Also been listening a lot of Loney Dear, a Swedish band who opened for Andrew Bird when I saw him a few weeks back. Their opening song, "I Was Only Going Out" is still my favorite. (See below)
Finally, got the new Beirut and loving it. Epic and eclectic, as usual. See the video below.
posted by Mr. Linty @ 11:27 AM,
- At 11:59 PM, said...
I have not heard of hardly any of your music recommendations! I am totally and completely stuck on the band Red right now, they just released a new CD. Both it and their debut are amazing, in my opinion. Oh, and I'm also stuck on Falling Up right now too. :)