A real update.

Man, leaving for 3 months is a big deal. Especially when you run a company that releases products each month and ships orders out daily, but even if not. I mean... There's just SO much. Stuff you don't even think about at first, like bills, pets, utilities... And with China, there are a ton of other little things that need to be accounted for. For example, deodorant. They've got antiperspirant, but no de-ODOR-ant. So unless you don't mind going natural for a while, you need to pack that stuff, and lots of it, because in China, you walk a LOT. And that's just one of many things.

To make life just a bit easier on myself I finally got an iPod touch. I would've gone with the phone, but free WiFi is everywhere in China, so I figured I'd rely more on that, and get a cheap $10-a-month phone plan if I need it. But yeah, I love the touch. For the longest time I've had a 2nd gen iPod and I'm blown away by all the stuff on the new ones. I feel kind of like an old person discovering the internet for the first time...

So yeah, it's been busy.

And on top of that, there's all the March release stuff that I'm trying to get out of the way earlier - getting the tee printed, getting my collaborator paid (wire transfers = robbery, which will be ironic when you see the tee), getting the cards done, etc. Add to that me trying to get a headstart on April since I'm sure it'll be hectic when I first arrive in China, and you've got an Eric with a blown fuse. But I manage. I stay up late, put on some tunes, and get it done. And I gotta say, this April tee is already looking pretty cool. It's very different than my previous stuff, and I haven't even handed it over to the artist I'm working on it with yet. Can't wait to see the end product.

What else... Oh, right: I got my cat neutered today. Feel pretty bad for him right now. He's really drugged up and keeps trying to jump up to the window. Poor little dude.

Finally: I tried cooking with tofu for the first time ever tonight! And I was pretty pleased with it! I've been trying to eat a bit less meat lately, since I've noticed that I'm pretty sluggish after I eat too much of it. Won't be able to avoid it entirely in China, but I figure this is a start to a healthier lifestyle.

posted by Mr. Linty @ 10:07 PM,


At 1:03 AM, Blogger Vincent said...

There aren't that many recipes that I use repeatedly—usually if I'm cooking I'm trying something new-ish.

But this is one I keep coming back to.


Seriously, seriously good. Try it while Brussels sprouts are in season! The thing that takes the longest is cutting them, but once all the prep work is done, the dish takes maybe ten minutes total to cook.

And it is so, so good.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Rebecca Agra said...



At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tofu is yummy, especially when cooked right, and that looks cooked right!

bon appetit.

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Mr. Linty said...

Thanks for the link Vincent. This came out well and I'm looking to try more things with tofu for sure. I've been cutting a lot of meats out of my diet lately, and I feel better for it!


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