Pattern & mo'

New patterny loveliness and I am excited.
Excited because I chatted with one of my printers (the guy that's doing my mailers & boxes) and we talked about some new project ideas. For the longest time ever I've wanted to get wallets done, but the screenprinting thing just looked terrible to me, and when I contacted some people that do the kind of wallets I like, they never wrote back. So I started considering doing them from scratch. And that's where my printer came in. He's got a UVR printer and can print on banner vinyl. The vinyl can then be sent here, where I'll hire my mom and possibly a few other seamstresses to cut and sew the pieces together. The finished product should be pretty awesome looking.
Anyways, the pattern up top is for the inside of the wallet (he'll be printing both sides of the vinyl.
So yeah, I'm stoked. I'm also going to try to do some vinyl sketchbook/notebook covers. Should be great!
posted by Mr. Linty @ 12:12 AM,
- At 11:18 PM, Snake said...
That sounds awesome, I'm going to buy a wallet!
- At 11:36 PM, Mr. Linty said...
Sounds good! Unfortunately this is in the early early early stages, so it may not be for awhile (this is usually why I keep quiet on releases, since they take so long to work out!)