New stuff?
3rd "tee of the day" win on emptees this month and I'm feeling pre-ty cocky... This design is being printed right now by the guys in Florida and I can't wait to see the first photo proofs. One thing I think may need adjusting is that little top cloud. I have a feeling it's going to push the design down too much and make it a belly print, which I don't want. But we'll see. The dudes seem pretty confident that it'll look ok. Trust the dudes!
Tonight I had a pretty cool conversation with my mom. I'm to borrowing a chunk of cash from them to print new stuff since they'll give me a lower interest rate than most local banks (9%). The payment plan lasts for 36 months but should get settled a lot quicker than that if I play it right. Basically I laid out a business plan to my mom of how exactly I'm going to use the money and due dates for payment each month. It was super encouraging to hear her express her confidence in Linty Fresh, in my designs and my ideas for expansion. She had some good advice, too, on testing out the waters in baby apparel, noting that my generation is starting to have kids and are looking to outfit them as themselves. Good point! Maybe some onesies for spring, eh?
I could totally get into this sort of stuff!!!Anyhow, it was just great to get that kind of support from my mom. Dad's a little less enthused about my projections, but that sort of thing just makes me try harder in the end. Then again, my projections are pretty big. Firstly, I want LF to be supporting me fully by '09. That means selling only 5 shirts a day, actually, so it's doable. Next, I want to get my own place. The folks are encouraging me to look into buying house nearby and I've started pricing. This year will definitely be the time to do it since the market's so bad, too. And man am I dreaming big for this place. Not that I want it to be huge, I just want it to be me. Like my room, but a whole house! Wall paintings, art trades hanging all over the place, a nice studio, and of course a shipping room for all mah tees!... Custom colors for everything, of course, and maybe some pinball machines and old arcades (Hook, anyone?). Ok, that might be a little over the top...
It's probably because I've been reading some of the other tshirt guys' blogs from Emptees. This one especially had me green with envy. Young entrepreneurs inspire me to no end.
posted by Mr. Linty @ 12:35 PM,