LF 2.0

Coming soon to an internet near you: Linty Fresh V 2.0!

As much as I love the versatility of an the open-source platform I'm using for the current Linty Fresh, I've gradually come to realize how much I lack in coding skillz. Fortunately, it doesn't mean the end of LF. But it does mean some change. Good change though!

The new Linty Fresh will be hosted via Big Cartel, an incredibly quick and easy shopping cart provider designed for small business owners like myself that aren't savvy on backend management. I've spent this past weekend getting everything set up and while it's not quite as customizable as what I was using before (Joomla + Virtuemart), it's beautifully simple, both for myself and my customers. Some examples include:

Plus it has most of the features from my old platform, like coupons and discount sales rates. And it takes like a minute to add a new product, compared to the 10+ minutes it took on the old system. The only big disadvantage currently is the lack of a newsflash sort of thing to input text to. It's being worked on currently by the development team, though, so I'm not too worried.

Anyhow, I'll be testing a few more things and then launching it, so keep posted!

Oh, and kind of a major thing, too: new shirts tomorrow!

posted by Mr. Linty @ 10:30 AM,


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