Beethoven design, Part V
Working night shifts KILLS. It's nice to be back in town (actually it's been a week), but still I'm having trouble adjusting completely to my regular routine. Once I got back in town I began work on some preliminary sketches for the t-shirt commission I mentioned in that last post. The sketches went over well and I was given the go-ahead for the vector art, so when I haven't been catching up with the work I was missing while I was away, I've been trying to get this commission done.
So as you might imagine I've had a pretty limited amount of time to actually work on my own designs, BUT:

Ok, so nothing too groundbreaking since the last version, just a few tweaks here and there. The microphone is gone completely now. I just wasn't feeling that stuff in the top right corner and the mic didn't look right at the bottom either. Another change I made is the incorporation of "Linty Fresh" into the design. I tried to get an even balance with the subtlety and readability, so let me know what you guys think.
Or if you can even spot it... Heh.. :]
By the way, those white concentric circles are still there, they're just really faint for some reason...?
And here's a mock-up of what it would look like on a shirt:

If there's one thing I've learned about doing t-shirt designs, it's that what looks great on a canvas or on a computer screen doesn't necessarily translate to a torso well. Most of this has to do with the four edges of a canvas. This creates a boundary that serves to contain and distribute the art. On a shirt, this changes since you've got to factor sleeves into the shape of the canvas, so that you're litterally working with a "T" shaped space. While I'm still no professional in my opinion at designing shirts, I've quickly come to appreciate how important it is to always keep a "shirt" layer in the artwork file to have something to view your art against, to be sure that it'll look right when it goes to print.
Labels: designs
posted by Mr. Linty @ 9:33 PM,
- At 8:59 PM, said...
Im really impressed with what this has come to be, Eric. It has structure, but also has that urban flair you've been working from. I still cant find "linty fresh" on it though! haha. Its come a long way since the green and yellow design, and if this is the final product(for the most part) I cant wait to buy one. Definatley one of my favorites from you. Other then the little creatures in the tree shirt. lol. Good work man.
-Michael - At 9:05 PM, said...
Hahahahaha. I found Linty Fresh. I had to see the other pics to notice it though. VERY clever. Its a bit hard to read, but i see it nonetheless... or the nonsense its supposed to be. lol. Awesome idea. I bet that took some work.
-Michael - At 10:32 PM, Mr. Linty said...
You found it! Yeah, it's pretty tough to see unless you're looking for it, but any less subtle and it suddenly became glaringly obvious, and I'd rather it be obscure than blatant and distracting, ya know?
I actually have one or two really minor tweaks and I want to experiment with other color options, but pretty much it's done.