Beethoven design, Part I
Lately I've been a little drained in terms of inspiration. The trouble with it all is my job. I work at a small shop near Atlanta that specializes in designing and printing signs for big businesses. Actually, calling what I do "design" is arguable. It basically boils down to kerning and leading and making sure these rectangles are the right distance from those rectangles and matching the colors approved by the Almighty Corporation.
Not that I'm complaining! Work is work and I'm fortunate enough to do something that actually relates to my desired field. But all that shifting, spacing, and dragging quickly gets me to the point of not wanting to touch anything related to digital design, even if it's something cool and artsy. And so my twenty or so unfinished tshirt designs sit stagnant in a file on my home computer. Needless to say, when I do get a bit of motivation, I seize it and ride the wave for however long it lasts.
For awhile now I've been wanting to do a music-related design. As the only designer for Linty Fresh, the shirts have naturally become a reflection of me: my interests, my concerns, my musings, my humor. I guess that sounds a little narcissistic, but it's really not meant to be... Honest. Anyhow, I wanted to do a shirt themed around music because, well, duh, I like music a lot.So here's the first stage of the design. The colors are most certainly going to change (what, you don't like neon-green and banana?), but this gives you a [very!] rough idea of where I'm headed. Sort of neo-noveau meets street art (which I'm incidentally REALLY into at the moment). Plus it's got Beethoven, so that's gotta account for something, right?
I'll update with new images as this progresses...
Labels: designs
posted by Mr. Linty @ 9:28 PM,
- At 9:38 AM, Alan said...
New shirt design is glorious. Like Beethoven in front of his mic. The neon-green and banana isn't all that bad, either. Matters not, cuz I'm color blind...
- At 12:58 PM, Mr. Linty said...
Thanks! I worked on it some more last night after writing the entry about it, and I think I've settled on turquoise, dark blue, white, and pink (used discreetly).
- At 7:52 PM, Alan said...
Pink is (ostensibly) the new black. I like the updated one too. I've always liked the idea of stuff coming from/outta peoples' heads. That's because it does, in a sense...
- At 9:30 AM, Mr. Linty said...
Yes, pink really is the new black... I think that alone could stand as the premise for a shirt!
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