Hellloooo December!
First off, the bad news - the web-service I typically use for my newsletter is down for maintenance until Monday at 9AM, so it'll be just a tad late this time around. So instead of making this entry in the blog any different than what's usually in the newsletter, I'm pretty much just going to copy + paste the info right here so I don't miss anything!
First up...
November Flickr Contest Winner!Congrats, tmacm12! It's a simple, straightforward pic showing off the NOM button, and I like it. Of course, the competition wasn't too stiff this month, with only a few more pics drizzling into the pool. I'm actually thinking about temporarily taking a hiatus with this contest since the competition is just too easy! So get those photos in for the December contest, because it just may be your last chance to score freebies...
Now onto the new stuff...
The Snurfing Iceman!

I'm also just happy about it because it's a yetti. On a snowboard. (As a sidenote, the "snurfer" was the name of the first commercially produced snowboard, developed in the 60's, hence the shirt title)
Oh, and if you'd like to see the tee in action (yes? no?), you can catch it in my latest LF vid, a cooking instructional on making Chinese dumplings: LF Vid #6.
New Bundle Option!

Other stuff!
Don't forget, the coupon is still live for the next two days! So if you were holding out for the new stuff, don't wait any longer!
Finally, I want to let all you Atlantans know that I'll be showing at yet another show here in Georgia on December 13th. Find out more here!
As always, if you're on MySpace you can check me out here! Anyways, enough from me for now!
posted by Mr. Linty @ 11:59 PM,