September Release!

Wowzers. I've been sitting at my computer for many solid hours trying to crank out this release, and I'm super happy to announce that everything's finally live! (A few mins late though, sorry!)

The stuff:

Tee Reprints
Epidemic and The Most Fantastic Things

New Belts
Yeah, there's a ton of them, plus reprints of the Classic and Frankenstein ones!

Plush Toy!
Waaaaahooo! It's finally out! This thing was months in the making from figuring out how to produce it to actually manufacturing a good part of it in-house. But it came out just beauuuuutiful! For this first batch I've only done a few to see how they do, so grab em quick if you're interested.

But that's not all...

I've got a coupon that will run for the next 4 days, but here's the trick: It starts at 20% but each day it'll decrease by 5%... So by Friday, it won't be around... Act fast!

Just type in SOFRESH at checkout!


posted by Mr. Linty @ 11:40 PM,


At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. Shiz.
Are the belts going to be available at the chicago show?

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Mr. Linty said...

Yessir, they'll all be there!

At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

K. So the question is buy it now and just wait a few days or OR wait about week till you get here?

At 8:19 PM, Blogger Mr. Linty said...

Ha! Take your chances if you like, but I can't guarantee that I'll have cool packaging with me at the show (or lollipops), both of which will go out with your order!



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