It keeps me going:



Ok, so this blog is typically dedicated to JUST Linty Fresh stuff, but honestly, music is a big part of what's inspired many of my LF creations, and at the very least it supplies a steady stream of background noise here at "HQ". Oh, and how RAD are my headphones, right? They're an ancient pair I've had forever and the sound was too good to just throw them out when the ear pads started peeling, so I got out the trusty duct tape and they've been like [semi] new ever since!

So here's what's been in heavy rotation on the ol' (as in, literally monolithic, 3rd generation) iPod:

Death Cab for Cutie
Ruby Suns
The National
Andrew Bird
She & Him
LCD Soundsystem
Jens Lekman
Vampire Weekend

Also stumbled on this cool Blogotheque entry with Bowerbirds. This is my favorite song of theirs, and hearing it performed this way was a cool treat:

#90.1 - BOWERBIRDS - Bur Oak
by lablogotheque

In other more directly-related news, the interview I did with Rumplo last week will be published in their next newsletter, which comes out tomorrow. Can't wait to see it!


posted by Mr. Linty @ 10:32 PM,


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